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What Can You Do About Hemorrhoids

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What Can You Do About Hemorrhoids

Aug 19, 2020

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that can occur outside the anus or inside the rectum. They are typically accompanied by Itching, burning, and pain. Internal hemorrhoids are not typically painful, though they can rupture, leaving blood in your stool or visible on the toilet paper. In some cases, a blood clot can form inside a hemorrhoid and cause a sudden and severe pain. At that point medical treatment may be necessary. 

Why Do You Get Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can often be tied to lifestyle and health factors such as sitting on the toilet for long periods of time or straining too hard during bowel movements. The amount of fiber in your diet can also play a part, as the volume and consistency of your stool can affect the amount of stress on the rectum and anal sphincter. 

Other causes that are unrelated to the digestive process are pregnancy, obesity, and even anal intercourse. Simply just growing older can increase your chances of getting hemorrhoids. 

How Can You Treat Your Hemorrhoids

If the pain and inconvenience of hemorrhoids persist, you need to ask your doctor about hemorrhoid treatment; there are procedures available that can help.

However, there are a number of at-home remedies you can try to help alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Changing your bowel and digestive habits will be an important part of managing your symptoms. Long periods of sitting on the toilet can interrupt blood supply and increase pressure on the blood vessels around the anus. Similarly, straining during bowel movements will increase pressure in the anal canal. 

Fruits, vegetables, beans, and other high fiber foods can make passing stool easier. A fiber supplement to increase your level of dietary fiber can also be helpful to soften your stool. Be cautious, adding too much fiber can cause an increase of bloating and gas.

When To Talk To Your Doctor

Hemorrhoids are not usually dangerous, but there are a couple of situation you’ll want to be aware of. Rectal bleeding can be caused by many different diseases, some of which can be serious. If you notice a change in the color or consistency of your stool, as well as any blood appearing in the stool, it may be time to talk to your doctor. If you have any questions about your current symptoms, or if your hemorrhoid symptoms are worsening or changing, contact Carolina Digestive today to set up an appointment.